//Religion affairs advisory board brought together representatives of religions and authorities for the first time

Religion affairs advisory board brought together representatives of religions and authorities for the first time

Uskontoasioiden neuvottelukunnan osallistujat ryhmäkuvassa. Takana näkyy USKOT-foorumin logo ja tilaisuuden nimi.

The CORE Forum organized its first-ever religion affairs advisory board on September 24th in Helsinki, bringing together representatives from seven religious communities and various authorities.

The advisory board aims to foster dialogue between religious communities, authorities, and politicians to discuss current religious issues and promote networking. The event featured presentations from diverse religious representatives and addressed societal concerns, such as rising hate crimes, religious equality, and government funding for religious organizations.

Katriina Nousiainen, Senior Specialist from the Prime Minister’s Office, highlighted the government’s anti-racism campaign and its focus on religious equality. Hanna Kiiskinen from the Ministry of Education and Culture discussed state funding challenges for religious communities. Jenita Rauta, a researcher from the Police University College, spoke about the rise of hate crimes. Participants emphasized the need to address islamophobia and increase collaboration to strengthen the societal role of religions.
